
A pretty cute baby shower I'd say

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 I had so much fun with Rachel in town this week! I missed her so much. I loved getting to feel Cassidy kick and move around in there. It's the coolest thing ever. These are just some snapshots of the shower (that I planned!!) we had for her on Saturday. I was very pleased with how it turned out and I had a great time. I can't wait to meet Cassidy in July, I'm getting impatient!


A library visit and some summer rain

Man, Summer is just not ready to come out yet I guess. Nevertheless! Lynnlee and I still tried to make the best out of a gloomy day. Library visits are almost traditional for Lynnlee and me. Every summer we go to the library, but this is the first summer that we've been able to drive ourselves, and that alone is a big deal in our opinion! Whoever invented libraries is simply a genius, and I feel like the greatness of libraries isn't quite recognized enough in our technology engulfed society.

Books are cool. I realize that reading isn't for everyone, but I absolutely love reading. It's like a movie that you have the freedom of creating in your head. The book is basically a guide line, and you get to make the story into whatever you wish. THAT'S COOL right?! Sometimes, I get upset when they make books into movies only because it restricts you to seeing the story as it's played out in the film. Regardless, I love the world books take me to. I love the characters I fall in love with. I love the settings that make me feel like I'm really there. Books really are a pretty cool thing my friends.

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Here's to Summer and milestones

Since I'm exempt from my finals, this is my first day of Summer! It's a little weird though because I feel like school should still be dragging on... Last year was a lot longer. I mean I'm completely okay with less suffering, I just think it feels strange. Nevertheless, I am so happy it is Summer! I had a great Junior year and Senior year is right around the corner, WOW. It was a certain somebody's Senior year though, and he graduated. I'm really proud of him. The next step is EMT school, and hopefully he can get on a Fire Department around here after that. This year went by really fast. And in a couple of weeks, Hunter and I will have been together a whole year. That is crazy to me. But more on that later! That's another post in itself. 

Happy Summer!
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This guy

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I really love this guy. This is what he came downstairs in when he saw the neighbor kids playing army in the backyard. You're never too old to play backyard army, really you aren't.

I feel like at times that I get too caught up in all of the negatives of everything. Sometimes things are tough, but that's how things go. I'm so blessed that God put him in my life. I'm a better person when I'm with him, and I know that together we could really make an impact. I don't want him to be perfect, I just want him to try his best. I want him to love me with all he has, and I want him to follow God. He does. And for that I am truly thankful.

Terribly sorry for all of the sap in this post but sometimes we just have to be sappy and move on.


Hello May, Goodbye AP tests

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 Hi May! You've been a bit bipolar this year. Friday it was 40 degrees but last Monday was 87 degrees. Get yourself together. However, I am here to welcome you and remind you to always be yourself. (In case you forget, you're the month that has lovely 75 degree temps all the time) I'm always here to remind you if you need it.

Aside from silly May, I would like to announce that I have completed my Advanced Placement test for Environmental Science. (*applause) Now the only one I have left is my Statistics test, which is this Friday. Pray for me on that day. Also, don't be surprised if I'm never heard of again after that day. The test may or may not be dangerous toward its victims. Nevertheless, this is the face that I am making toward the Environmental Science test! You did NOT phase me! So there.
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