
Things to do to Keep Yourself Awake in Class

Life has been pretty good to me lately. I can't lie, I'm a pretty happy person. I went fishing the other day and actually caught a fish. Woah. On to the blog post! 

So I was sitting in History class today and finding it difficult to stay awake. The main reason is that my teacher talks the whole hour and it's the last hour of my day. Not a good combo. I sit right in front of her, so I had to stay awake or else she'd notice me snoozin' and stuff. Sitting in the front is definitely a curse and not a blessing. Here's an example. 
It happens to catch my eye that my teacher's zipper to her pants was unzipped. Well shoot. The poor lady has undergone enough humiliation to last a lifetime, so it was difficult for me to just let her keep talking. Only it seemed way more difficult to actually get up and whisper in her ear that her fly was undone. (Let me mention that her zipper wasn't just a little undone, it was a lot undone. It was a gaping hole that was just screaming to be looked at. Not good.) My friends from behind me kept telling me that I must let her know. To them I replied "Why don't you?!" They had no response. See? As the person closest to her I had the duty of telling her the news. I never ended up telling her about it. 

It's moments like these that make me sort of groan when I have to go to this class. It's so AWFULLY BORING. She won't let you lay your head down, work on other work, or read, all of which are things I would definitely rather be doing than listening to her drone on and on. I've tried to develop some techniques to aid in the staying awake process. I hope that you benefit from them. 

1. Write down ten things you could be doing that would be worse than sitting in class. It helps to know there are things that could possibly be just as awful.

2. Listen intently to every word the teacher says, but imagine that they're really talking about something hilarious—like constipation, or donkeys falling in love. (Warning: Although this technique may keep you awake, it may cause laughter during important class discussions of centripetal forces or women's suffrage)

3. Twiddle your thumbs. This always keeps me awake since I'm trying really hard not to touch them together.

4. Draw a maze! Madison has successfully completed this one. Just create a maze that's complicated and decorate it with lots of nice things. You can then pass on the awakeness and give it to a friend in need for them to try figure out. 

5. Sing a song in your head all the way through. Don't know the lyrics to a certain part? FIGURE IT OUT. It'll keep your mind going for even longer.

6. Write a letter to your long lost 2nd cousin from Indonesia. You have a lot of catching up to do.

7. Imagine Ellen coming in and surprising you with $5,000 dollars. Why will you be getting this money? What will you spend it on? Decisions, decisions.

8. Think about your next meal. This alone is enough for me. 

That's all I've got! Enjoy.  

Words Worth


Definition Polls: Effervescent

If I asked you what the word "effervescent" means this past week, this is why. Let's begin this post with a humorous video. I'll explain why it's significant in a moment.

So you heard him say that Shakespeare had a working vocabulary of 54,000 words? And we now have a working vocabulary of 3,000 words. How embarrassing. These posts are simply my attempt to help the American people by building their vocabulary. Oh, and laughing at everyone's wrongness. All I did was find a word: Effervescent. I then asked my fellow classmates what they thought this word meant, without the use of any resources. Here's the real meaning of the word:

Effervescent: (adj.) Bubbly

And here are my responses:

Clay: to consistently do something
Danielle: a type of elephant
Shea: a retarded bird
Mommy: beautifully feathery (?)
Dad: BUBBLY! (I was thoroughly impressed.)
Collin: Splendid
Lynnlee: Denture Cream
Madison Thomas: a person who enjoys smelling candles (my favorite response)
Michelle: really happy
Dani: bright or flashy
Nina: confused
Shelby: bright
Madison Winn: glowing
Alex: translucent
Cody: really smart
Sam: angry
Dillon: happy
Colby: extravagant 

So, now if you see a glass of champagne you can say that it is very effervescent instead of just bubbly. You're welcome. 

Removing Drop Shadow From Your Images

You GUYS! I have finally discovered how to remove the stupid drop or box shadow from my pictures here on blogger. Do you ever get that feeling? The feeling of pure accomplishment when you do something on your blog that you've been trying to do forever. I have that right now. The reason why it took forever for me to figure this out is the fact that I didn't know it was even called a drop shadow. I had no earthly idea what it was called, so I couldn't look up how to remove it. Here's what a drop shadow looks like:

That is a drop or box shadow. It kind of makes your image look raised, and I didn't like it very much. Once I figured out that it was called a drop shadow, things got very easy! All you have to do is go to your HTML and remove some stuff. So,

- Open your HTML. (Template > Edit HTML)  

-If you hit CTRL and then F, you'll find a little search box at the bottom of your screen. All I did was type in "box" and it took me to the exact thing that needed to be deleted! 

Using the little search box will help you tremendously since it highlights exactly what you're looking for. It's quite a handy little thing. 

-So just delete the whole chunk of box shadow stuff to remove it from your blog pictures FOREVER!

This may not be as exciting for you as it was for me, but I was so glad to get it off my blog. Not hard at all, and I think it's a great way to make your blog look very professional! Here's what your picture will look like once you remove the drop shadow:

Oh so pretty! Have a fantastic Saturday!



Here goes my attempt at sharing my fashion advice to all of you. Although it is limited, I think there is some! This is also just my personal opinion, I don't think everyone should follow these rules! Fashion is a wonderful way to express your creativity, so feel free to disagree and break these rules! I don't doubt you'll look wonderful. So here we go! 

Accessories can be key to a fabulous outfit, or they can be the downfall to one. I think it's important to distinguish the proper times to go all out on accessorizing and the proper times to stick with just a pair of stud earrings. Every time you wear something (unless it's like, hobo day for you, which happens quite often for me..)  I think there should be a harmonious balance. It's pretty simple, really. If you wear a crazy patterned shirt or dress I'd play it cool with any added bling. If you are wearing a simple top or dress, you have the freedom to let the accessories shine. Think of it as a scale, and try make sure the accessories and the shirt style are always the "same weight" if you know what I mean.  Here's an example:

Here is something I love to mix, if appropriate: brown and black. I love the top in this outfit, and the brown boots provide great contrast and 'zing factor'. Hehe. Since this outfit is pretty simple in color and pattern, I'd deem it necessary to add a little bling. Not too crazy since this look is rather sleek and what not, but just enough! I thought the earrings would look good, as would the necklace. I'm not so sure I would suggest wearing them together since I'm not a fan of statement necklaces and earrings being together with the same outfit. A scarf would also boost the pizazz for this look! Lipstick would look absolutely glamorous for this outfit, since we have black and white going. So, there's my definition of a balanced outfit!

Let's look at this dress combo:


Oooh, lace! I'm loving this dress, so very much. I'd definitely pair it with basic pearls, but that's just me. I think either of these shoes would look lovely with this outfit, and would put forward two different looks. This combo is definitely labeled under my "Attire of Desire" category. Mmmm mmm mm. 

Well, there ya have it! I hope you enjoyed. Be sure and stay tuned for a new post coming up that should be pretty funny. I'm gonna keep you guessing until then. Have a lovely day!


Word's Worth.

Here are some words of wisdom. I love reading quotes from different novels, and I hope you enjoy these ones I've picked. Have a wonderful Sunday and President's Day! (:


I MustACHE You a Question.

I happened to make a mustache shirt last night. It was really fun! And super easy. I couldn't resist taking some pictures with it on! Lynnlee, my new little photographer who's a BOSS, took them. They turned out pretty well I must say!

Oh, about that question? I'll shave it for later. Have a lovely weekend!


It's True.

Words to cherish. Have a great Valentine's Day!

NEW. "Life in Letters"

I have NEWS! For all of you 23 people that follow me, (and those others that check my blog constantly but don't follow me) "Just Trust Me" is changing. It is now officially "Life In Letters". Why? Cause I simply fell in love with that title. It flows so nicely, alliteration and all. It also totally explains my blog. I'm super excited about my new title! But don't worry, it's still the same old me that you know and love. This also won't be a thing that happens often. So, sit back! Relax! And enjoy the new "Life in Letters".


Can I Go on a Little Rant?

I usually try to avoid this kind of post at all costs, but I'm going to do it anyway. The whole post won't be me complaining, only part of it. So sorry. I recently saw this status on Facebook. You know me, I don't like social networking very much, I just use it as a stalking mechanism. But this status kind of hit close to home, and this is all I'm gonna say about it.
"You wanna know whats the worst? Thinking you have a chance with someone, then realizing you most likely don't. Wasting your time on someone. Wasting your time thinking about them every moment of the day. Wasting your time waiting on them to text you. Wondering if they feel the same way as you, wondering if they even think about you too. When in reality, they aren't. While you're making then your priority, they're making you an option. Story of my life."
 MOVING ON to a happier topic. Sorry about that nasty emotional start to a post.
Man, does this describe me or what?! I think food will be my valentine this year. It never seems to let me down. Now I know why people are morbidly obese.. Oh well. It happens to the best of us. 
I'm truly sorry about the lack of posting lately! We performed our show last week, which was so much fun and super successful. Woah, I have a life?! PSYCHE. Hello Dolly rehearsals start next week. Silly Bekah, thinking you won't be busy.. 
There will soon be posts of greater importance! Just bear with me..

Just Trust Me..



How to Make a Grab Button

Grab buttons are very useful little things. Essentially, they're an ad promoting your bloggy blog. You can see mine on the left sidebar! All you have to do is copy and paste the code below onto your sidebar and you'd be my friend. Well, I'd still be your friend if you didn't. I'd really appreciate it if you did though.. Never mind. If you're curious as to how to make one of these handy boogers, you're in the right place! Let's begin.

1. You're going to want to make or choose an image to use as your button. The ideal size would be 200x200 pixels so it would fit on the average sidebar. You can make this image with GIMP or pixlr. It's not hard, I promise! Even just a plain colored canvas with your blog name will look good. Remember, simple is good!

2. Upload your image to a photo hosting website. I usually use photobucket, but you can pick whatever you want!

3. Open another tab and pull up your blogger account. Get to the page elements page, and click on "Add a Gadget." Then select "HTML/Javascript." Copy and paste this code to it:

<img src="http://YOURBUTTONLOCATION.jpg" /> <br /> <textarea style="text-align:center" rows="4" cols="22"><a border="0" href="http://YOURBLOGADDRESS.com" target="_blank"><img src=http://YOURBUTTONLOCATION.jpg></a></textarea>

4. Go back to your photo hosting site and find your button. Copy and paste the URL or direct link in both places where it says "YOURBUTTONLOCATION". 

5. Put your blog address in where it says, well, "YOURBLOGADDRESS."

6. If you want the box below your button where the code is to be smaller or larger, you can change the 4 (rows) and 22 (columns) to whatever numbers you need. This isn't necessary, but I thought I'd mention it to you just in case.

TADA! It's that easy! If you need any help, I'd be glad to assist you. Questions? Email me or leave a comment down below! Hope you found this useful.

Just Trust Me.


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