
Ever frequent Panera dates

Lynnlee and I are studious. We do our school work, and we do it as soon as it is assigned. Just because that is how we are. For me, I think it's because my mom is a teacher and kind of gave me a glimpse into the life of one. (which is why I chose to be a responsible student) Lynnlee has just always been that way. It's who she is. 

Recently, we've been going to Panera to do our homework. And what a difference it is! The atmosphere is divine, and the food and beverages instantly put me in a great mood. It makes homework seem much less daunting. We're thankful for that. Also Madison works there which is wonderful. Here's the progression of how the afternoon usually goes:
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These are a few of my favorite things

Auditions happened. For The Sound of Music. Hence the title. So, yeah.

I thought I would include a few of my favorite things, since I was so "inspired" by Maria's things. A few of her's are a little strange, such as schnitzel with noodles, but hey I won't judge.



Bekah being Bekah

I'm already regretting putting up this picture but it definitely proves my point.

There are several circumstances that illustrate just how... Bekah that I am. I've become more and more aware of them as I've been with Hunter, because he's a normal human being and I am not.

 For instance, I always spill things on myself. It never fails. I don't really know how it happens, I guess I get really carried away when I'm eating and it just flings around everywhere..? I don't know, it beats me. Also, I was walking to my car after school today and I had the hiccups. Well I had just watched Dr. Oz the other day, and he said that holding your tongue, literally, will make them go away. So I thought this was a perfect opportunity to try it. As I grab my tongue with my fingers, it just so happens that Colby, Hunter's brother, saw me. And laughed at me. I guess I should have waited until I got in my car, but I tried to explain and it just didn't help. For the record, they went away. Thanks Dr. Oz, for causing me to make a fool of myself. Totally kidding, I do that without your assistance on a regular basis. Also, I dance and sing in public with Hunter, and he really thinks that that is weird. I don't do it on purpose, it just happens.. but I don't really care if people think that I'm weird because I'm having fun. I also dance when I eat.

Alright, this could go on forever, so we'll stop there. Those were some examples of Bekah being Bekah.



There are some adjustments having to be made at our house. You guys know my brother Taylor, right?
Taylor and my sister, Rachel
And Taylor's very best friend and basically my other brother, Connor?
Well, both of them are certified EMT's! They have hopes of getting on the fire department here in Broken Arrow, so in order to increase those chances, they're getting their paramedic certifications in the next year. Currently they live in an apartment together, but now they're moving back in with us! With them doing this, they'll be able to continue working and saving money to pay for school instead of having to pay rent and what not. So what does this mean for me?

My upstairs domain is no longer just mine. I must share it. Which, frankly, will probably be a little bit difficult for me to get used to again. I know I will adjust, there used to be 3 of us living up there. I've just gotten used to it only being me, and that was nice. There was no one else to clean up after, no one else to worry about. So anyway, pray for my well being. And patience. And kindness. And self control. And all of the fruits of the spirit. Yeah that about covers it.


All of the happenings

Some people are really good at documenting holidays. I am not one of those people. I find it so difficult to find the time (and discipline) to blog during the Christmas/New Year season. Maybe it's because so much happens during this time so I get really overwhelmed at how much I need to blog. (probably the main reason) Or it could be that I simply can't bring myself to get off my lazy bum and do something. I really am embarrassed at my lack of activity these past few weeks. Ashamed, really. I'm almost relieved to get back to school because I know that it is better for my well being. But anyway, we had a lovely holiday season here at the York house! Here are anew photos from here and there. I loved getting to spend some quality time with my family, and I'm so thankful for them. And now... Spring semester begins. Wish me luck.


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