
Wacky Wednesday: World's Largest Wacky Things

     I haven't posted a lot lately because I've had rehearsal for the musical that I'm in called..... LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS. It's an absolutely AMAZING show! Lately we've had rehearsals from 3:30 until 11:00 sometimes later. Go see it!! Here's information you need to know...

-It is on March 31st, April 1st and April 2nd.
-Curtain is at 7:00
-They are RESERVED seats, so make sure and pick up your PRE-ORDERED tickets at the Broken Arrow Performing Arts Center on Main Street.
 -Tickets are $8.00 for children and $10.00 for adults.

I've been exhausted, but I remembered that it was Wacky Wednesday and I just had to post! Today's Wacky Wednesday has to deal with world's largest wacky landmarks. (woo, that's a mouthful) Our first landmark is...


   The World's Largest Gummy Bear is the lion of the candy world. There is no candy more magnificent or more powerful. This five-pound beast is the equivalent of 1,400 regular sized gummy bears and packs a whopping 12,600 calories. Its monstrous size is only matched by its enormous taste. The World's Largest Gummy Bear tastes just as delicious as its pint-sized counterpart. Available in many flavors: blue raspberry, red cherry, green apple, orange, pineapple, and astro (a combination of red cherry, lemon, and green apple).

Next, we have... THE WORLD'S LARGEST ROCKING CHAIR. (P.S. sorry for the color malfunction...)

 At 42-ft. 4-in. tall, this new Chair eclipses by almost 20 feet the former rocking chair champion in Lipan Texas. It stands 15 feet taller than America's largest chair in Anniston, Alabama, although Anniston's chair is still "larger" in the sense that it's more massive.


   On January 25, 1905, at the Premier Mine in Pretoria, South Africa, a 3,106-carat diamond is discovered during a routine inspection by the mine's superintendent. Weighing 1.33 pounds, and christened the "Cullinan," it was the largest diamond ever found.


   The flower with the world's largest bloom is the Rafflesia arnoldii. This rare flower is found in the rainforests of Indonesia. It can grow to be 3 feet across and weigh up to 15 pounds! It is a parasitic plant, with no visible leaves, roots, or stem. It attaches itself to a host plant to obtain water and nutrients. When in bloom, the Rafflesia emits a repulsive odor, similar to that of rotting meat. This odor attracts insects that pollinate the plant.

Finally, we've got the... WORLD'S BIGGEST JELLYFISH. 

   Oh my gosh. This is insane, and it creeps me out. The Lions Mane Jellyfish is the largest jellyfish in the world. They have been swimming in arctic waters since before the dinosaurs (over 650 million years ago) and are among some of the oldest surviving species in the world. The largest can come in at about 6 meters and has tentacles over 50 meters long. Pretty amazing when you think these things have been swimming around for so long. They have hundreds of poisonous tentacles that it used to catch passing by fish. it then slowly drags in it’s prey and eats it.

   Some of these are just freaky!! Oh, and to wrap this up, come see Little Shop of Horrors!! It will BLOW YOU AWAY!! Just Trust Me!


Spring is Here!

   I'm sooo glad that the cold weather is getting OUT OF HERE. It was getting plain annoying. Sadly, my Spring Break is almost over; however, Spring itself is just starting!! (Did you like my sentence combining there??! Ms. Sanders taught me that, and I'm very proud of myself.) Throughout this week I've mainly been hanging out with Lynnlee. I haven't really got a chance to talk about her that much on here! Well, we're neighbors. She lives two houses down from me, which is REALLY convenient. We've known each other for a whopping seven years! I love her sooo much!! Here's a picture of her. (She hates all of these pictures but I love them!)

   The weather has mainly been warm and sunny. Thursday was sooo nice! Lynnlee and I went bike riding that day, which we seem to be very fond of! It's great exercise, and it's so much fun! The bike I use is technically my sister's. My grandparents bought it from our high school marching band for her to use at Central Michigan. She's going there on a full ride scholarship for gymnastics! (FIRE UP CHIPS!) Anyways, I'm using it while she doesn't. (: I think it's adorable.

    You can also tell that it's Spring because of all the blooming Bradford Pear trees. They smell SOOOO BADD!! It's like poop and well.. poop. Haha! They are sort of pretty, I guess. Here's one right outside my house. I get a giant whiff of it when I walk outside. Yum.

   I can't wait for Spring to be in full swing! (Like that rhyme I threw in there??!) Just Trust Me!


Ten Guilty Pleasures

   I stay pretty busy with school, rehearsal, and homework. It's necessary to have a few little things that make my life a little happier. These are the things that simply bring a smile to my face at the end of a long, stressful day. Here are my 10 Guilty Pleasures, in no particular order. (:

1. Cupcakes. Any kind. Hand me a cupcake and I'll scarf it down within 4 seconds, true story.

2. My Kindle. I've raved and raved about it, but I just can't rave enough! I absolutely LOVE to just lay on the couch and read a book that I want to read. It soothes me, calms me. Reading always takes me to a place that isn't my life, and I get to experience someone else's problems. ;)

3. Scentsy. I really don't understand this one at all. My friend Lynnlee always makes fun of how much I love Scentsy. I simply can not get enough of it! Don't know what in the world I'm talking about? Go to: www.scentsy.us.

4. Sitting on my roof. The window in my room leads to a little personal roof. I LOVE this thing because the slant is perfect, it's not too steep. It's also the perfect size. I usually go out there to think, read, or write. It's a lovely getaway to just go outside and breathe some fresh air.

5. Dresses. Preferably, spring and summer ones. They just make me feel pretty! I feel like I actually tried to get ready and look decent. Target's the best place for them!

6. Glee. I like this show for the actual story line, but I like the music and performances much better. The songs are fantastic, and it's great exposure for musical theatre.

7. Singing. I can sing about anything and feel ten times better. It's one thing that I feel like I'm actually good at! So relaxing.

8. Naps. I don't get much of these anymore.. but I still love them! Just taking a nice nap renews my soul. (:

9. Baking. I like both making the treats and eating them! Anytime I bake I'll try to post a recipe of what I did. YUM.

10. Snacks. This needs to end. Sadly, I snack when I'm bored, and I'm thoroughly ashamed of this. I love the taste of food though! I wish we wouldn't get full, or gain weight, that way I could eat as much as I wanted. (:

   Anyways, these things make me all warm and fuzzy inside. Just Trust Me. (:


Wacky Wednesdays.

    NEW SERIES! I've decided to do a blog post every Wednesday about something bizarre that happened in the news this week. Today, I read this story about these weird vending machines. Here's the weirdest ones..

-Yes, it's true: You really can buy live hairy crabs out of a vending machine in Nanjing, China. The machine keeps the local delicacies at 41 degrees Fahrenheit -- cool enough to make the crabs sleepy without killing them. If you do purchase a dead crab, though, don't worry: The company behind the vending machine will compensate you with three live ones. The crabs cost between $1.50 and $7.50 depending on size and gender.

When hasn't this happened to you? You're running down the street, late for a meeting. You think to yourself, "Sheesh, I could reach my destination so much faster if I had a bike." Problem solved! The folks in the Netherlands who invented the "Bikedispenser" vending machine call it the "perfect bike solution" for anyone on the move.

Japan is a magical land of vending machines. The devices are everywhere, and they sell just about anything -- including these chilled bananas, wrapped in plastic and sold at Tokyo train station by Dole Japan Ltd. Price: About $1.50 a banana.

So there you are, at a gym or a night club with unwieldy hair. What to do? Just slip $2 into this Beautiful Vending Styler machine and bingo: A hair straightener heats up for your personal use for two whole minutes. Need more hair-straightening time? Then pay $5 for five minutes.

Check back every Wednesday for a CRAZY news story! I thought these were pretty funny!
Anyways... Just Trust Me!


"The Adventures of Carlie, Shea, and Bekah In Geometry. Part 1."

Breaking News.
Shea has a blog!!! Shea is one of my newly acquired friends of my Freshman year. I'm SO glad I met her!! She is soo much fun. BUT go look at her blog, NOWWWW! It's at:
It's precious.

 SO! I've started a new post series: (see title above). Here's background knowledge that you need to know.
-Our geometry teacher is Ms. Reynolds. (sorry the picture is so bad..)

     Once upon a time it was a Thursday. We walked into class and.. whataya know?! Stencils are on our desks!!

     This was really exciting. I mean, look at all of the shapes that allow you to spin the whole thing around your finger like a helicopter!! AHH! Or to balance them on your face like a seal..

     But sadly, our fun didn't last long.

     Ms. Reynolds then informed us that we had 10 seconds to spin the stencils around our finger like a helicopter. WEEE! After the 10 seconds were up, she told us that the next person to spin them would get detention.. yikes. Subsequently, Shea wasn't quite finished with her fun.

    She was tossing the stencil to our good friend, Virgil. Well, I guess things didn't go as planned, because she torpedoed the stencil and it hit his eyebrow... yeah.

     There was blood on the stencil.. but don't worry!! Shea's usually not violent, and Virgil ended up alright. (Yes, that IS a Hello Kitty Band-Aid.)

 I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life. Please, Just Trust Me.. (:


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