
Things to do when life is a bully

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 Sometimes, life is mean. And sometimes, you just can't seem to feel genuinely happy. Here are some things I've found that cheer me up when I'm sad or lonely or depressed. Please, enjoy and use them. 
1. Have a really hot, long shower. Cry if you need to. Sit on the ground. Feel sorry for yourself. Let the steam soak into your skin. Let the hot water wash your face clean. But the moment you turn off that water, you are done feeling sorry for yourself. Make a decision to move on from that sadness. It's hard, I know.
2. Clean. I know, cleaning is boring and annoying, but how about that feeling you get when you are finished? The smell of the vacuum. That feeling of accomplishment? Who knows, you might even find money along the way. Totally worth it. It’s like starting with a clean slate.
3. Go for a run or a walk. This get’s your endorphins and dopamine going crazy. You will get more energy and more happiness just because the chemicals in your body are running around!
4. Stop and take it all in. Walking in the night? Stop and look at the stars. Breathe in the cold air. Feel alive. 
5. Stop whining. If you start saying, “I will be happy, I will accomplish my ambitions, I will find love, I do look amazing, I am a great friend”, then not only will you start to believe them but you will be amazed at what amazing things that start to happen.
6. Drink tea. This always works. Not a tea fan? Try coffee of hot chocolate, hot drinks are just always warm and inviting.
7. Make a conscious decision to stop holding certain grudges. We all have people we have held grudges on in the past. Let them go. If you feel like you owe this person an apology, apoligize. Remember, forgiving others is for you, not for the person you're forgiving.
8. Cook some really nice, warm food. Food always works, I'm telling ya. Make it hearty though, nasty fast food type food can make you feel worse sometimes, so make something at home.

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