Hello, I'm Killer. I'm so happy to be guest posting on "Life in Letters" today. I really do love this blog, it's one of my daily reads.
I'm here to write about some of the things that I ponder every day. It's a pretty hard life for a Miniature Rat Terrier. Think I'm kidding? I'm not, really! You guys don't know the troubles I've seen! I know what you're thinking: "Has he always been the beast that he is today?" The truth is, I haven't. I've been tinier. Take a look.
I know, I know. It's hard to believe, but yes that was me in my younger days. Fortunately, I've grown up a lot. Just to assure you, I'll include yet another picture. A more recent one, at that.
Much better. Alright, one of the things that troubles my soul is stormy weather. I absolutely can not stand thunderstorms. I know that I look pretty tough on the outside, but on the inside I'm simply terrified when it thunders! Loud noises don't do me much good. If we ever spend some time together we should do so when it's bright and sunny.
Oh, here's pet peeve number one: People stepping on me. In my head I'm thinking, "Oh hi there. Thank you for basically breaking my entire leg in half. It was great." I do work out, people. Unfortunately, my specific body type will not allow me to gain much muscle in the leg area. I'm pretty fragile. If you could, please be cautious around my legs. It would be greatly appreciated.
Here are just a few random facts about me: My favorite color is gray, My bestfriends are Brody and Lucy, I love going to my grandma's house, I love eating things that I'm not supposed to, and I love Pupperronis. Yum. I do apologize for the randomness of this post. Next time I'll try to be more organized.
(Let me justify this post. I was inspired by the first picture of Killer since he looked so deep in thought, so I started making him into a character, and well, um.. that's what you read. I'm not insane.)