
Love and Wisdom

 This is my mamaw and papaw. I look at them, and I can't help but smile because of how much I truly do love them. I just got back from visiting my mamaw, and I just had to come and write this post. After school today I decided it was a perfect afternoon to go to my mamaw's house. I see her every Sunday at church, but I never just go over there, just to visit. Life tends to get the best of me and everything becomes a whirlwind and I forget to take time to do these kinds of things. So I went, and we talked and talked about everything under the sun.  We started talking about how she and my papaw got married and just marriage in general. One thing that she said stood out to me and I couldn't help but share it. 

"There's nothing greater than the satisfaction of just having each other."

My grandpa has inherited emphysema. They are both so strong, my papaw enduring the disease every day of his life and my mamaw supporting him the whole way through. They still love each other so much. I pray to God that I have a marriage like theirs, one that continues to grow every day. I pray that I have strength and optimism like my papaw's, and never ceasing love like my mamaw's. They truly are my inspiration, they make me strive to be a better person. I just love them so much.


The most wonderful time of the year

...has begun. Tree is up. Lights are up. Shopping is occurring.


Hunter and I went to Rhema to see the lights! It was really fun, but very cold. Very very cold.



So life is good! We're having fun. Happy Holidays.


A Quick Explanation.

You may or may not have noticed the fact that my older posts' pictures are not showing up. They have a circle with a line in the middle... and it's just really upsetting. Here's what happened. I used to upload my photos through google plus or something like that. It informed me that all of the space was used up, so I went and did what any human being would. I deleted the photos from the album to get more space. That was a terrible plan, since it was linked to my blog and deleted all of the photos from Life in Letters as well. Every time I think about it it makes me cringe. Not a happy camper. Maybe if I just have no time on my hands I can go back and reload all of the pictures to the appropriate posts, but I don't really see that happening unless it's over an extended period of time. So I'm sorry! All of my archives are just ruined and now you don't know my history and it's just really really depressing. Forgive me. Cause this is how I feel.


6 Month Gushing

So honestly, I'm not one for gooey couply mushy stuff, but I guess I need just a few moments to be somewhat mushy. Bear with me.

Hunter and I started dating in June at church camp, and I can't believe how far we've come. We've known each other since he moved to our church when I was in 6th grade and him in 7th. In fact, we even dated that year! (believe it or not) But after we "broke up" we ended up just being friends from afar in the church. This past church camp, something just clicked. I think the main thing was that I could talk and talk and talk with him, about anything and everything. That's a big deal, since I tend to never stop talking. I could confide in him, he made me laugh, everything simply felt right. And it definitely was.

Now, I really can't imagine what I would be without him. He's such a major influence on me, in a good way, and he's everything I've ever asked for. He's my bestest friend. Like when something exciting happens he's always the first one I run to tell! His family is the best ever, and I always feel so comfortable with all of them. His smile makes me smile, his laugh makes me so happy inside. It's more complex than I ever thought "dating" would be like. I guess I'm just happy. And now I've spent half of a year with the crazy guy! Life is good. God is good. I'm doing alright.


Over the river and through the woods

Okay, so there wasn't a river... but still.


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