It's raining. It's poopy. BOOO! I have school for 4 MORE WHOLE STINKIN' WEEKS! How am I going to survive?! I feel like I have nothing to look forward to in the near future. Here are a few things I would much rather be doing than what I am doing right now.
I REALLY wish I was with this dolphin. Actually I wish I really
was the dolphin. Dolphins don't have Biology and Geometry EOI tests this week! They don't have to figure out what to wear, or have to get ready in the mornings. They just swim around without a care in the world. What a life.
I want to be this girl. She's just napping on a hammock with beautiful greenery behind her. I want a hammock! Too bad I don't have trees to tie it onto.. I would definitely read my kindle at this very spot. Too bad I can't.
This is pretty self-explanatory. I wish I was walking the streets of Paris
RIGHT NOW. I will go someday, I will. When I do, you will capture every precious moment of it right here at JTM... Just Trust Me. Look at that! It's beautiful! Sigh.
Sorry Rhonda :), but I wanna be a princess! I want to be Kate Middleton walking down the aisle in this beautiful dress about to marry the Prince of England. That would be the highlight of my life. It almost makes me go into a spiraling depression just thinking about how badly I want to be a princess! SOB.
deeply wish to be in the audience of Legally Blonde the Musical on Broadway. I would do lots of things to be here. Better yet, I wish I was Laura Bell Bundy being Elle Woods.. on Broadway! Yeah, I like that one better. I wish I was Laura Bell Bundy performing for millions. Life would be
I am grateful for everything I have, but I do wish I was doing these things instead. How am I gonna make it 'till Summer? I won't. I'm gonna explode.
Just Trust Me.. Seriously.