
Summer is Here.

   Wow! Can you believe it's already here?! I know I know, I've been counting it down for 2 whole weeks and complaining along the way, but it's still crazy to me. We've basically been at my grandma's pool all weekend. We've had taco salad, hot dogs, and burgers. YUM! We've also had Killer over for most of the time. He's really enjoying this weather!

   Oh, and look at this ADORABLE turtle! We rescued him from the road. His name is Squirt and he is happily living in a neighborhood creek.

  Precious!! Anyways, stay tuned for the new secret summer series! I promise there really is a series.

Just Trust Me..



   I have very exciting news. So exciting I might pee my pants, but I choose not to.

This is how I feel. She's even on a beach, how fitting.

I still don't think I fully comprehend how exciting this little fact is. I am so PUMPED for Summer that I feel like leaping through the air like a ballerina princess, but yet again, I choose not to. (Now I'm second guessing myself..) Anyways, I also wanted to inform you few precious followers that I will be starting a *NEW* summer series! Hopefully multiple of them! I already know of one for sure but I am still brainstorming for more. I'm also debating whether I should keep it a secret or tell you because I know it just keeps you up at night. For now, we'll keep it a secret. (: It's gonna be great though!

Oh, and one more thing..



   It really is insane. Very, VERY insane.

Just Trust Me..


Freaky Friday? -Beards and Mustaches.

   Once again, I am dreadfully sorry about slacking on Wacky Wednesday posts, it's just hard to be consistent. For now it is Freaky Friday! (Instead of Wacky Wednesday.) Today's exclusive Freaky Friday post is about the world's weirdest beards and mustaches. This is most likely going to be one of my favorite wacky posts!! Here's a little background info for ya.

The Beards and Moustaches World Championship 2011 took place in Trondheim, Norway, featuring "the world's most elaborate facial hair." Contestants are judged in several categories, including "sideburns freestyle" and "Fu Manchu." Though Germany has historically dominated the sport, the United States has continued a climb that began in 2009 (when the competition was held in Alaska) to vie for the lead, according to the contest's official site. This year, the USA took home six golds, while Germany garnered seven. 15 countries competed.

   Enjoy scrolling through these! 

   Sorry if they're a little gross! Haha

Just Trust Me..

Would ya LOOK at that?!

Just Trust Me..


Just Telling Ya..

   Just wanted to make you aware of this exciting fact. Enjoy your day.


Hey, Look! It's My Sister.

  So, I'm super excited that my sister will actually be living me this next week! Let me tell you why this is so exciting. She's a gymnast and she trains at Dynamo Gymnastics in OKC, so I see her on weekends-occasionally. Just to make that situation better she'll be going to Central Michigan University on a Gymnastics Scholarship, which is like amazing, but our life living together is basically over. TEAR. Anyways, here we are. Happy happy, joy joy!

   Yeah, she's a pretty cool person. I'm gonna miss her. I'll keep this short and sweet since some people have complained about the lengthiness of my posts.. ;) Anyways, I wanted to dedicate a post to my sistaaa. Gotta love her! Here's some more pictures if you feel like looking.

Just Trust Me..

Have You Heard?


Jesus please help me get through these 9 days alive.



Book Review: Water for Elephants

   Well I was really excited to read this book! I had seen the trailer for the movie and it looked really good, so of course I had to read the book before I go see the movie. I can't decide which is worse, reading the book, loving it, then thinking the movie is lame or seeing the movie, loving it, then reading the book and not enjoying it as much as you could have cause you know what's gonna happen. I think I've resolved to believing it's better to read the book and then seeing the mediocre movie.

   Anyway, I read the book. I ended up loving it, but honestly it took a little while to get to that point. It was pretty slow, really. There was also some parts that were simply uncalled for, and I didn't appreciate that. The ending is insanely good, but the book itself kind of drones on and on and on and on and on. I guess you could just say it doesn't need to be 422 pages long. So basically I'd recommend it. I just love lots and lots of drama throughout the whole book.

   Here's the trailer for ya, just in case for some wild reason you haven't heard of it.

  Just Trust Me..


Have You Heard?

   Sorry bout it, but I will be updating this EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. until summer is here and ready for me to embrace. (:

Lynnlee Miller.

   I believe there is someone that I have completely missed talking about on this lovely blog. That person is... LYNNLEE. This girl is, well, utterly amazing. We've known each other for... i think were going on 7 years? Yeah, 7 whole years. We live 2 houses down from each other which is extremely convenient like on snow days and when you wanna do something but your mom won't drive you..(*cough cough) In case you're wondering what she looks like, here she is in all her beauty.

She truly is an amazing friend, she's always been there and always has. I can not WAIT for Summer. Basically, my whole summer is spent with her outside at the pool. Funny stuff happens man, and I can't wait to post about it! Here are some pictures of us being ridiculous today. I'm gonna make a page so you can see pictures and videos from a LONG time ago! Woo, funny stuff. Enjoy!

Just Trust Me..


What's on my iPod? Here, I'll tell ya.

   Not that you care or anything, but here are my favorite songs for the time being. (in order from favorite to lesser favorite)

1. What do you want from me- Jerrod Niemann

2. Turning Tables- Gwenyth Paltrow

3. The Lonely- Christina Perri

4. Old Alabama- Brad Paisley

5. First of May- Michael Buble

6. Honey Bee- Blake Shelton

7. Colder Weather- Zac Brown Band

8. Science & Faith- The Script

9. Just Breathe- Pearl Jam

10. Just a Kiss- Lady Antebellum

   TADA! Sorrry about the immense boringness of this post, but I don't like going too long without posting something. I'll try to come up with an UTTERLY AMAZING Wacky Wednesday to make up for the failure of this post and the lack of one last week. My apologies! I'll try my best to make it up to you.

Just Trust Me..


'Interior' by Dorothy Parker

Her mind lives in a quiet room,
A narrow room, and tall,
With pretty lamps to quench the gloom
And mottoes on the wall.

There all the things are waxen neat
And set in decorous lines;
And there are posies, round and sweet,
And little, straightened vines.

Her mind lives tidily, apart
From cold and noise and pain,
And bolts the door against her heart,
Out wailing in the rain.

   I decided to do a post relating to Great Expectations. (*GAG) I have OFFICIALLY finished that book! It was a challenge, but in the end it wasn't that bad. This poem is referring to Miss Havisham, who is a CrAzY old hag that can't get over her husband standing her up at the alter. Sad deal, but she wallows in it.. everyday of her life. She wears her old wedding dress and has her cake, weird stuff! This poem explains her, and as a tribute and as closure to the book, I wanted to share. Here she is! (: Enjoy!

(Sorry for the lack of a Wacky Wednesday Post, I'll make it up to ya!)


5 Things I Would Rather be Doing Right Now.

   It's raining. It's poopy. BOOO! I have school for 4 MORE WHOLE STINKIN' WEEKS! How am I going to survive?! I feel like I have nothing to look forward to in the near future. Here are a few things I would much rather be doing than what I am doing right now.

  I REALLY wish I was with this dolphin. Actually I wish I really was the dolphin. Dolphins don't have Biology and Geometry EOI tests this week! They don't have to figure out what to wear, or have to get ready in the mornings. They just swim around without a care in the world. What a life.

   I want to be this girl. She's just napping on a hammock with beautiful greenery behind her. I want a hammock! Too bad I don't have trees to tie it onto.. I would definitely read my kindle at this very spot. Too bad I can't.

   This is pretty self-explanatory. I wish I was walking the streets of Paris RIGHT NOW. I will go someday, I will. When I do, you will capture every precious moment of it right here at JTM... Just Trust Me. Look at that! It's beautiful! Sigh.

   Sorry Rhonda :),  but I wanna be a princess! I want to be Kate Middleton walking down the aisle in this beautiful dress about to marry the Prince of England. That would be the highlight of my life. It almost makes me go into a spiraling depression just thinking about how badly I want to be a princess! SOB.

   I deeply wish to be in the audience of Legally Blonde the Musical on Broadway. I would do lots of things to be here. Better yet, I wish I was Laura Bell Bundy being Elle Woods.. on Broadway! Yeah, I like that one better. I wish I was Laura Bell Bundy performing for millions. Life would be fantastic. 

   I am grateful for everything I have, but I do wish I was doing these things instead. How am I gonna make it 'till Summer? I won't. I'm gonna explode.

Just Trust Me.. Seriously. 


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