-It is on March 31st, April 1st and April 2nd.
-Curtain is at 7:00
-They are RESERVED seats, so make sure and pick up your PRE-ORDERED tickets at the Broken Arrow Performing Arts Center on Main Street.
-Tickets are $8.00 for children and $10.00 for adults.
I've been exhausted, but I remembered that it was Wacky Wednesday and I just had to post! Today's Wacky Wednesday has to deal with world's largest wacky landmarks. (woo, that's a mouthful) Our first landmark is...
The World's Largest Gummy Bear is the lion of the candy world. There is no candy more magnificent or more powerful. This five-pound beast is the equivalent of 1,400 regular sized gummy bears and packs a whopping 12,600 calories. Its monstrous size is only matched by its enormous taste. The World's Largest Gummy Bear tastes just as delicious as its pint-sized counterpart. Available in many flavors: blue raspberry, red cherry, green apple, orange, pineapple, and astro (a combination of red cherry, lemon, and green apple).
Next, we have... THE WORLD'S LARGEST ROCKING CHAIR. (P.S. sorry for the color malfunction...)
At 42-ft. 4-in. tall, this new Chair eclipses by almost 20 feet the former rocking chair champion in Lipan Texas. It stands 15 feet taller than America's largest chair in Anniston, Alabama, although Anniston's chair is still "larger" in the sense that it's more massive.
On January 25, 1905, at the Premier Mine in Pretoria, South Africa, a 3,106-carat diamond is discovered during a routine inspection by the mine's superintendent. Weighing 1.33 pounds, and christened the "Cullinan," it was the largest diamond ever found.
The flower with the world's largest bloom is the Rafflesia arnoldii. This rare flower is found in the rainforests of Indonesia. It can grow to be 3 feet across and weigh up to 15 pounds! It is a parasitic plant, with no visible leaves, roots, or stem. It attaches itself to a host plant to obtain water and nutrients. When in bloom, the Rafflesia emits a repulsive odor, similar to that of rotting meat. This odor attracts insects that pollinate the plant.
Finally, we've got the... WORLD'S BIGGEST JELLYFISH.
Oh my gosh. This is insane, and it creeps me out. The Lions Mane Jellyfish is the largest jellyfish in the world. They have been swimming in arctic waters since before the dinosaurs (over 650 million years ago) and are among some of the oldest surviving species in the world. The largest can come in at about 6 meters and has tentacles over 50 meters long. Pretty amazing when you think these things have been swimming around for so long. They have hundreds of poisonous tentacles that it used to catch passing by fish. it then slowly drags in it’s prey and eats it.
Some of these are just freaky!! Oh, and to wrap this up, come see Little Shop of Horrors!! It will BLOW YOU AWAY!! Just Trust Me!